Die Suche ergab 109 Treffer

von hot-bike
18.08.2009, 18:38
Forum: Zeig dein (fertiges) Bike!
Thema: Das schönste Foto von Eurem Cruiser !
Antworten: 546
Zugriffe: 68032

Re: Das schönste Foto von Eurem Cruiser!


+?., +?., +?., +?., +?.,

made by horizon kompact and redscale film :wink:
von hot-bike
11.08.2009, 12:34
Forum: Making of
Thema: Projet coty class CC "Treesome"
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 5868

Re: Projet coty class CC "Treesome"

1 place
Alessandro and his "20s Queen" arriving at COTY.

2 place

aco Pederasen Dream Sweden

,;,. -::- -::- -::- ,;,.
von hot-bike
11.08.2009, 01:38
Forum: Making of
Thema: Projet coty class CC "Treesome"
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 5868

Re: Projet coty class CC "Treesome"

picture Speed Zombie http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2437/3808785955_32d9afd11a.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3517/3808815537_ec6133d0bf.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2650/3808819215_04746af941.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2608/3808778253_25bc67af7a.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/...
von hot-bike
06.08.2009, 09:53
Forum: Making of
Thema: Projet coty class CC "Treesome"
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 5868

Re: Projet coty class CC "Treesome"

schrammi hat geschrieben:WOW!
More pictures please!!!

will make a cool series of photo and I met on the forum

Otherwise thank you all for your comment
the bike was done in 2 weeks lol
thank you florent "t-cycles.com, Hervé, kzall, and my wife for that patience
von hot-bike
05.08.2009, 10:37
Forum: Treffen / Termine
Thema: 1er GENEVA LAKE CRUISING Custom bicycle meeting 29.08.2009
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1049

1er GENEVA LAKE CRUISING Custom bicycle meeting 29.08.2009

1er GENEVA LAKE CRUISING Custom bicycle meeting 29.08.2009 GVA Appointments: 14:00 In front of the baths Pâquis Quai du Mont-Blanc 30 1201 GENEVE Itinerary: Baths Pâquis - Geneva beach - Plainpalais - Bains Pâquis - After Party! After Party: Groun festival! Free Entry! Food, Beverage & Music Pre...
von hot-bike
05.08.2009, 10:29
Forum: Making of
Thema: Projet coty class CC "Treesome"
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 5868

Re: Projet coty class CC "Treesome"

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3435/3790868041_48597fa7ae.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3451/3791681938_c56fd3f665.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3262/3790868463_35757cee39.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2636/3790868205_ec5ecc287f.jpg First place in class DD and 3 place general classem...
von hot-bike
05.08.2009, 00:47
Forum: Treffen / Termine
Thema: FBI 2009
Antworten: 144
Zugriffe: 16489

Re: FBI 2009

my photo http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/amsterdam/amsterdam/ 2 X panorama 360 .... :wink: http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/amsterdam/coty/amsterdam9.html http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/amsterdam/amsterdam3.html panorama http://www.flickr.com/photos/sdzn/sets/72157621947446242/ +?., +?., +?., +?., +?.,
von hot-bike
20.07.2009, 12:45
Forum: Making of
Thema: Projet coty class CC "Treesome"
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 5868

Projet coty class CC "Treesome"

picture http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/tree/01.jpg http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/tree/02.jpg http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/tree/03.jpg http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/tree/04.jpg http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/tree/05.jpg http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/tree/06.jpg http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/tree/07.jpg http:...
von hot-bike
12.06.2009, 23:22
Forum: Schrauber-Ecke
Thema: nexus 3 speed "144 spokes" video and photo
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 1038

Re: nexus 3 speed "144 spokes" video and photo

nice... that´s looks great.. and now?! The same on DH80.... :lol: http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs055.snc1/4499_1149654627409_1408901237_388539_3746115_n.jpg http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/firebike.jpg +?., +?., +?., +?., +?., is already and my projects for the coty I made a 100mm http...
von hot-bike
12.06.2009, 18:20
Forum: Schrauber-Ecke
Thema: nexus 3 speed "144 spokes" video and photo
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 1038

nexus 3 speed "144 spokes" video and photo

photos and a video mount a nexus 3 speed with flanges at Project 34 6 to 144 spokes .... http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/144rayons/IMG_0483.jpg http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/144rayons/IMG_0482.jpg http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/144rayons/IMG_0484.jpg http://www.hot-bike.ch/image/144rayons/IMG_0485.jpg htt...
von hot-bike
03.06.2009, 20:32
Forum: Zeig dein (fertiges) Bike!
Thema: T-cycles vidéos
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 856

Re: T-cycles vidéos

ce sont des pneus vintage

vintage tires :wink:
von hot-bike
03.06.2009, 14:42
Forum: Zeig dein (fertiges) Bike!
Thema: T-cycles vidéos
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 856

T-cycles vidéos

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI0HRRjifpE http://florent.tomasini.free.fr/_predik/3.jpg http://florent.tomasini.free.fr/_predik/9.jpg http://florent.tomasini.free.fr/_eko/2.jpg http://florent.tomasini.free.fr/_kruiz/1.jpg http://florent.tomasini.free.fr/_kruiz/9.jpg http://florent.tomasini.free.fr...